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Re: Brake Change Tip in 80Q

On Tue, 2 Jan 1996 STEADIRIC@aol.com wrote:

> >After getting the original pads off the caliper, and then trying to press
> >the brake piston back, open the brake bleeder valve to get rid of the brake
> >fluid in the caliper.  In older cars, pushing the piston would push the
> >brake fluid into back into the master cylinder, but the newer cars with ABS
> >have some sort of checkvalve that won't allow this to happen.
> Hmmmmm.... Last time I did pads on my Q (Maybe 6K miles ago) I just 
> pressed the piston's right back in, using a BIG OL pair of channel locks, 
> No check valve on any ABS car I've seen.

Ditto.. and I didnt think the '88 80Q had ABS (my wifes doesnt) Maybe an 


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