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Armor all wheel cleaner warning....

FYI Listers:

A couple of weeks ago, there was an advertisement in Autoweek about a
settlement made by Armor-All in regards to their wheel cleaner.  Evidently
there were not enough, or prominant enough warnings on the label about
using the stuff on windy days.  

This stuff will eat paint given enough time to sit and repeated use...

I'll dig out the issue and post more details if anyone is interested.

BTW - it ate through the antiglare coating on my glasses.  I thought that 
I had water spots on my glasses.  Guess what... I have permanant spots
on my glasses...I'll see if my optrician can do something with them. 

Luckily I don't need to use the stuff anymore since I switched to repco mms.
The paint has worn or been eaten off my rims though...

Peter Schulz
1990 Coupe Quattro  