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VR vs. Tq
[from PDQShipster]
>Not sure sportcar is any better description than calling a 200q or V8q a
>sports sedan.... Luxury sport coupe vs Luxury sport sedan, respectively
>might be more appropriate... Once again, Tom, some seat time is needed to
>take the "sound" argument...... Why one would buy either is personal pref,
>but performance-wise Ms Piggy holds more than it's share of performance, and
>can dance with the "best" of the real "sport" coupes, including the RX7
My question is which one would get pulled over first when travelling at the
same Warp speed. Isn't that why we luv our Audi's so much. The Q-Ship
factor. Not the sex-appeal.(I'm probably going to get flamed for this
But me thinks the 3kVR could probably stuff fatter rubber in them wheel
wheels than in the 5K body shell. (without using a baseball bat, that is)
And fatter rubber on a well set-up suspension will probably always have an
Ernest Wong