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A4 Crash test Results/Autoweek

Fellow Audi-fans:

I just got my copy of this week's Autoweek, and we can all be happy to hear
the following:

"Audi A4 earns the best grade in the latest 35-mph crash tests.

Audi A4 4-dr                            3096 lbs.       Driver (airbag)
ssenger (airbag)   *****

Dodge Neon 4-dr                     2547 lbs.       Driver (airbag)
ssenger (airbag)     ****

Ford Taurus 4-dr                      3358 lbs.       Driver (airbag)
ssenger (airbag)     ****

Hyundai Accent 4-dr              2261 lbs.       Driver (airbag)
senger (airbag)       ****

***** = A 10% or less chance of serious injury
****   = A 10-20% chance of serious injury
***     = A 20-35% chance of serious injury
**       = A 35-45% chance of serious injury
*         = More than a 45% chance of serious injury

The Audi A4 scored the best of four cars in the latest government crash
tests. With five stars being the perfect score for safety, the A4 rated four
stars for driver safety and five stars for front passenger safety. The Dodge
Neon and Ford Taurus scored four stars for driver and passenger, while the
Hyundai Accent, the lightest of the four cars, 
scored three stars for the driver and four for the passenger."

Encouraging news......

(Funny how AW adds this bit at the end of the chart... I guess they need to
interpret it for the *chart-reading-challenged*?)

And now I know why (among other reasons) I wanted to get out of the Hyundia
Accent they gave me as a rental for a week while my OW-DEE was having a new
tranny installed....   :-)  Boy, was that a tough 10 days!! A real sacrifice
to the Gods!!

Hope you all found this interesting....


                      Jim Griffin

      ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                  Quattro List Info:
                        '92 100S
          Titanium Grey/Black Leather
         A             U       D           I
         ccelerate   ntil    eath is   mminent

    "Perception is often stronger than reality!"
             (my own words of wisdom...)