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Re: Gasolene Oxygenation and fuels

> Whoa Dan.  Take a deep breath and relax.  The only problem with all the 
> complaint about oxygenated fuel is that there are really no good research 
> facts to support our (and EPA's) assessments.  

... well it just so happens that I picked up a brochure at a Chevron station
last night explaining the newly reformulated RFGs we get to live with here
in California.  It stated that there have been incidences of fuel leaks "in
older, higher mileage cars" and it is more likely to cause damage to fuel
system components.  It goes on to talk about cases where there is an increased
likelihood of causing fire in some situations, and you might happen to notice
hard starting on cold days.  Oh yeah, it turns out that you're gonna hafta pay
more for this juice and you may notice a decrease in fuel economy.

I would tend to think that Chevron would tend toward the EPA mentality (as 
opposed to C&D PCA, and it sure looks to me like a CYA job.  If I was one 
of those conspiracy-types I'd be convinced that they were all in bed to-
gether ... Gasoline companies making more money from the new gas, Car manu-
facturers making more money at least from the replacement parts, and the 
government types showing how much better it is for us all now that we have 
cleaner air.  I'm not saying that a lot of good has been done to date, but 
you gotta wonder what the real motivation is ...

... sorry about the ramblings ... that post hit in-phase with a peak of
disgust about what's going on ... well, gotta go get my car smog checked.
In California it doesn't matter if your brakes work or your tires are worn,
or simply if your brake lights work, but ya gotta pass smog!  Ooops, there 
I go again!

Steve Buchholz