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Re: Driver's Ed

Linus wrote...
>sorry Lou, but you're gonna be fighting the traffic ed curriculum across
>'merica on this one (not that i endorse it--this is just a factoid)  this is
>a standard "instruction" that's been taught (but is it followed?) for
>years--not really for *behind* but for the blind spot.  

These driver's ed guys are the same one's who said "shift at 3500 rpm"...  :-)
These are also the folks who said "don't drive over 55mph"
To their credit, I can't believe these guys also tell people to wear their
seatbelts and there are people who don't, thinking "I'll be better if I'm
thrown from the car" - yeah, right - how do you think the idea for ground
beef came about?

No flaming intended to you teacher types...  You have more nerve than I to
drive next to a fresh 16yr old novice...
