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Lane Changes and Driving in Phoenix


The practice some other drivers have of passing me on the right, then
cutting me off to get in front of me is becoming all too common.  It
happened three times this weekend on my trip through Alabama.  Definitely
not a good thing for the "Heart of Dixie" to be known for.  NOTE:  I am
not referring to those who change lanes in front of me with little room -
these folks would have sideswiped me if I didn't slow down.

Regarding Audi-Dudi's accident in Phoenix.  He lives in a most unusual
city for driving (compared to all others I have been in).  Phoenix fought
the freeways to prevent being like LA.  Instead, they created six lane
city streets each mile N-S and E-W.  So,...Phoenicians drive on city
streets as if they were freeways.  Speeds of 60 are common, 75 is not
unheard of.  To add to the problem, snowbirds dot the landscape and often
cruise at sub-bicycle speeds.    Just food for thought in relating to Jeff
and in case you ever visit the Valley of The Sun (Phoenix).

Eric Schumacher

P.S.  Phoenicians don't drive very fast on their freeways, but in Atlanta,
they haul butt.

I know it is not exactly quattro related, but it may be useful.