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Re: www site for vw/audi in Israel (fwd)

I just tried to access it (Thursday @ noon west coast) and it didn't work.

>Hey.. finally a message worthwhile..
>Ill have it linked pretty soon..
>    ______
>___/   __ \______    ___       __     ___  ___              __
>        _\_\_____)  / _ )___  / /    / _ \/ _ | __ _  ___ _/ /____
>       (____)      / _  / _ \/ _ \  / // / __ |/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ _ \
>__    (_____)     /____/\___/_.__/ /____/_/ |_/_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/
>  \____(___)   bob.damato@snetel.com   http://snetel.com/audi/audi.html
>The Southern New England Telephone Co.       |Phone: 203-771-7081
>Information and Technology Center            |Fax:   203-773-3398
>300 George St. New Haven CT  06510           |Pager: Dont count on it
>                   Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 15:02:35 +0000
>From: michael linial <linial@netvision.net.il>
>To: bob.damato@snetel.com
>Subject: www site for vw/audi in Israel
>Hi my name is Mikey Linial and I'm from Israel.
>I'm in charge of the interactive department working with Linial DDB
>advertising agency in Israel.
>We've established a site for vw and audi in Israel and although it's in
>hebrew I think it will be interesting for people who love these cars.
>I'd appreciate it greatly if you could link our site to yours.
>the site's address is http://www.vw-audi.co.il
>and it will operate starting tommorow - wednesday jan. 17
>we're trying to convince our client to make an english written site
>and maybe soon we'll have one
>thank you and hope to hear from you soon -
>Mikey Linial

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