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RE: 30v v6 specs: was a4 1.8 turbo

On Thu, 18 Jan 1996, Anders Thun wrote:

> >V*lv* were forced to drop the "S4" name for their new car.
> >heh heh heh.
> Yep, they finally caved in and gave up on the "S4" name.
> Appearantly they're gonna call it "P4" instead. At least they are trying to
> register "P1" to "P9" as trademarks for Volvo here in Sweden...
> Lesson to learn for Volvo - Don't mess with Audi!
> -Anders
> thun@prosoftia.se

I was always curious aobut the naming of VW's new van.  Its was 
originally going to be called the Caravelle.  In fact, that's what it is 
in Europe.  Here, however, its the Eurovan.  I've always been curious as 
to why, until yesterday.  I pulled up to a stoplight behind a Plymouth 
Caravelle.  It was basically a "K" car, but with a different name.  I've 
never seen one before, but it must be the reason for the name change.  
