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P/S fluid change

I recently changed the P/S fluid in my 86 4kCSQ.  It uses ATF, not Pentosin.

I have waited until it got cold enough here to determine if I could detect
a difference at cold temperatures.

Well, it is 25F today and I can notice a difference.  Steering is stiffer
than 70F, but improved from the old fluid.  I will post more results if we
get in the single digits (that used to be when steering got very stiff).

I spent less than an hour performing the change.  I used 1/2 quart of
Amsoil ATF ($7) and changed the filter ($30 at dealer, probably had for
less elsewhere).  I used a vacuum hose and a syringe to create a siphon
that drained into an old oil bottle.  The top of the resevoir screws off
like the smaller opening, just turn a little harder.  I left a little of
the old fluid in the resevoir to ensure no air got in the system.


Eric Schumacher

P.S.  manual doesn't address P/S fluid change.  I just thought it would be
a good idea after ten years.