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Re: Numbers is numbers too

>>>IMHO, the driver is everything!  Do not get me wrong, if two 
people of equal skill were driving two different cars, one much faster 
than the other, the faster car would win.  However, in real world 
conditions the driver makes the car. <<<

Have to admit - driver makes the diff most of the time...

Between Kawi triples (2), '66 tri-power GTOs (ht & cvt), 428 GP, 69 FB (Yeah,
I like Pontiacs!), 3 duece '60 Eldo, LT1 pickup, 383 65 Sport Fury/ 68
RoadRunner, 67 Datsun roadster (some of my former rides - just the quicker
ones), my craziness has carried the day most times when I shoulda been beat
handily.  Fondest memory:  Being pulled over in my 79 Datsun King Cab diesel
for speeding (52 SCREAMING horsepower) - hey, everyone has their low moments
- but it sure would corner!  2nd fondest - trying to explain I really wasn't
speeding to the cop (out of Eloy, Audidudi) that sucked a valve trying to
catch me (to tell me my backup light was on).

Dave Head
old - but definitely NOT slow