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Re: The Police Report, pt. II
You probably want to make sure someone in this group can help you to delete
those discussion in the Jan. archive so that if he ever subscribe to this
group then he won't get to read about it. :) I forgot if the discussion about
this girl and the accident started in December or Janaury, then might you need
to go through both months of the archive :P
Anthony Chan
92' 100 V6
> From quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net Mon Jan 22 19:03:25 1996
> Return-Path: <quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net>
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> id AA20154; Mon, 22 Jan 96 19:02:40 PST
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> From: AUDIDUDI@delphi.com
> Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 21:31:32 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: The Police Report, pt. II
> To: QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net
> Message-Id: <01I0BQCSXQ2A9C22SL@delphi.com>
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> Well, I picked up a copy of the accident report this morning, found her name
> and phone number, and gave her a call ... only to get her answering machine.
> She called back and left a message for me since I was on the phone. I tried
> her again and got a busy signal; she tried me again and left another message
> ... eventually, the call went through and a MAN answered! He said she's out
> running an errand but should be back in a few minutes then asked if he could
> take a message ... I mumbled something to the effect of "No, I was returning
> her call, returning my call, etc." when he cut me off by saying "You're that
> guy with the Audi who ran into her friend the other week..."
> Turns out that he's her FIANCE and drives an Audi ('88 5kq) himself! I told
> him about my new car, mentioned the quattro list (he works for Motorola) and
> suggested that he subscribe ... all in all, he seemed like a decent guy. It
> was only after I hung up that I realized how awkward it might be if he found
> out how much scheming went on here about how I should hit on his girlfriend!
> Oh, well ... nothing ventured, nothing gained. I guess some consolation can
> be had in the fact that I ended up with pretty neat car to replace my '87 5k
> even if I did have to spend my racecar budget in the process. :^)
> _ _ _
> / l l o l \ l o l \ _ _ o _ _ AudiDudi@delphi.com
> /__l l l / l l l l l l / l l l / / l / l l \ / _ Jeffrey Goggin
> / l l_l \_l l l__/ l_l \_l l l \ \_l \_ l l l \_l Scottsdale, Arizona