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Re: Re: Euro Low Beams

At 10:55 PM 1/21/96 GMT, Drew Faulkner wrote:

>In your message dated Sunday 21, January 1996 you wrote :
>> I have Euro-beams on my 4kCSQ.  I illuminate US road signs just fine. 
>> Heck, I illuminate those information sign on the interstate if I am back
>> 1/4 mile.
>Obviously I was wrong about the sign illumination....

I don't think so.   the euro pattern's sharp cutoff doesn't illuminate a lot
of signs, especially in the city where the signs are right at the curb and
about 6 or 7 feet high--unless you've misadjusted your lights (or are
hauling around a trunkload of kitty litter)

>The US lights must be absolutely dreadful for you to want the Euro-lights
>as an upgrade though - the lights on my UrQ are much poorer than the other
>cars I drive - I've been wanting to see better in my Quattro...

Audi's US-spec lights ARE that bad.  hop across the pond some day...you'll see!

* linus toy             email:  linust@interramp.com *
* seattle, wa                                        *
* wheels:  '91 200q 20v :) '89 Accord SEi (hers)     *