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Re: SCREAMING 90 20v

On Wed, 24 Jan 1996, Tom Leveckis wrote:

> I have a hard time believing that one.......maybe the automatic....I have
> a buddy with an SHO....a '94 with the 5sp.......absolutely demolished my
> 80Q when I had it.......I mean he would just toy with me, letting me get
> ahead a little, then put the hammer down, and disappear.....another thing
> you want to note is that alot of US manufacturers drop about 20-30 ponies
> when they go from the manual to the automatic... probably to save tires,
> trannies, etc.......probably figure that the people who are buying the
> automatics aren't real 'power connosieurs(??)' anyhoo........another thing
> to note is that american cars have a tendency to rapidly lose performance
> as the car ages...unless you're anal with keeping the thing up......

Dont forget... the 20V will trounce a 90 or 80 or 4k too. I play with 
Chris' 90 like its a diesel rabbit! :) But yeah, as I say, this sho was 
an auto.


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