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Calendar Progress - part deux

I just spoke with the AofA rep about calendars for 1966.  They are waiting 
on a response from der Fatherland und vill e-mail me the info as soon as 
they get it.

Until then...  ???  You VILL haf ein gut time.  :-)

I'll post what I hear as soon as I get it.

* Robert L. Myers                  <rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu>               *
* Chair, Dept. of Chemistry        (304) 442-3358  (office)              *
* West Virginia Inst. of Tech.     (304) 574-2372  (home)                *
*                                                                        *
*        Obligatory Sleddog-L and Quattro list references:               *
*    My Siberian Huskies enjoy riding in my '89 Audi 200 TurboQuattro.   *