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Re: your mail

At 11:33 1996-01-25 -0800, you wrote:
>Here's an explaination:
>The rear fog lights are red, right?  If you have one on both sides, 
>people will think you're riding the breaks all the time.  I was behind a 
>Range Rover 4.0SE the other day which had rear fog lights on both 
>sides...it confused the hech out of me for a while.  The Volvos (I 
>respect Volvo, so I don't write it backwards 8^)  ) have one rear fog 
>light, which makes much more sense.

Agreed!  Makes more sense to me, too.  However, while I've had my
rear fog light on, I've gotten many a comment like: "Hey, one of your
tail-lights are out..."     Ah, those non-Audi-type-people!  :-)

     "Say, would ya like a MONKEY...?"