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Re: Aspen Police = SAAB!?

I haven't personally seen the baaS police cars in Aspen, but I have seen 
them in Vail.  I don't know why they don't use Audi's. I don't even know 
why they would purchase non-American cars in the first place.  It seems 
that state funded? organizations always pumped money into our economy.  
Look on the bright side,  If you were so inclinded to "ditch" a cop in 
your q you wouldn't have much of a challenge on a snowy day.(I am by no 
means exploiting the art of ditching police!)  The police have something 
faster than any of our Audis anyway, Radio!
Brendan Rudack 88' 90Q

On Sun, 28 Jan 1996, Daniel Hussey wrote:

>      Hey guys,
>          I was watching a dumb movie the other day and noticed something intere
> sting.  Some people at the end were arrested in Aspen, Colorado and they were h
> auled off in SAAB 9000's with full police badgings and lights!  I thought that
> was pretty cool, but I wasn't sure if they really use SAABs as the police cars
> there, since, like I said it was a dumb movie (Dumb and Dumber to be exact).  I
> was just wondering if any of you who live in Aspen or in Colorado could tell me
> if this is true.  And, if it is, why the hell don't they use Quattros with all
> that snow around!
>                                                       Later,
>                                                       Dan