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Re: quantums for sale
There were no Sunchro sedans. :-) ! If you saw one, it was a one-off.
I guess VW figured the utilitary aspect of awd would be most appreciated
in an estate. I've seriously wanted to make a Synchro sedan and may if I
ever get the fundage. Heck, somebody made a Synchro Golf II that's
featured in a recent issue of EC. I'd still like to get a wagon too.
And an A4Q, and an RS2, and an S2, not to mention an S4, and.....
On Sun, 28 Jan 1996, Daniel Hussey wrote:
> Were all VW Quantum Synchros wagons? I have never seen a Quantum Synchro
> advertised that was not a wagon. But, I thought I remembered seeing a Quantum
> Synchro sedan in one of the Quattro Quarterly newsletters (I could be mistaken
> though). Is there such a thing. I'll have to go back and look at that issue.
> ..I think it was in the article on last years Steamboat event...last years Spri
> ng Quarterly issue. And, if not, why not? I know the Quantum GL5 is almost th
> e same underneath to an Audi 4000 Quattro with the exception of the quattro. S
> o would a Synchro be the same as a Quattro or are they different?
> Later,
> Dan