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Re: Sunroof Switch fix (light not working)

On Sun, 28 Jan 1996, Solomon Ngan wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> My sunroof swithc light has been acting "funny" for a few months 
> already.  I wonder if you may relate to that.  The light comes on 
> when I start the car.  After about 10 seconds, the light would go 
> off.  After that, it would come on and off on its own.  It is still 
> doing that.   Once a while the light would stay on for a long time, 
> ie, continuously for say 1/2 hour or so, until someone toughes the 
> switch.  It goes back to the on/off routine.  It is still doing that 
> today.  Anyone clue ??

Mine does EXACTLY the same thing on my 20V.  And given the stupidity of 
audi and their electricals, who knows what its doing! When a license 
plate light screws up the works, who knows what a blinking sunroof switch 
will do. I quickly looked at it, but my switch doesnt come out. It will 
release from the ceiling, but all the leads are soldered, not plug in, so 
I havent taken a good look at it yet. Am I rambling? Sorry, 4:45 am. 
Will the fix that is posted work for these switches as well??


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