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Just got off the phone with my AoA guy who has been
helping me with tracking down a replacement S6 for my
A6.  Great guy, we seem to be very close to a conclusion
with this saga.

After we discussed my car, we discussed things coming
down the road (yeah, stupid pun) for Audi.  Everyone
knows about the A8, A4 turbo, multivalve engines,
Restyled A6.....  Has anyone heard about the RS versions
of these cars?  He claims that they had the RS version of
the A8 in production trim upto 197 MPH in Italy.  Yikes!!! 
He said that the RS versions of the cars will be available in
1997/98 and they WILL be available in the US.

He also mentioned the up and coming introduction of the
A3, loosely based on the Concept One VW, scheduled to
be available mid '97.    He said that the car will be built in a
place where "...the US dollar is the currency of trade." 
Sounds like right here in........

If all this is old news, sorry about the bandwidth.

-Chris O'Conor