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Re: S4 vs. V8Q...
At 01:41 AM 01.31.96 -0500, Nivi@aol.com wrote:
>-The engine block is aluminum/silicon alloy, and supposedly the Germans have
>shied away from aluminum blocks in the US, due to the high sulphur content in
>our gasoline, which tends to degrade the aluminum...
DON'T write off this technology. so far, only BMW has done so, with the
328i block in N. America made of cast iron instead of the aluminum used in
RoW. AND, BMW is reported to be looking for a solution to this problem
(whether it be alloy changes or fuel changes I don't know). the aluminum
block with exposed silicon is NOT new technology, and even GM has put out
some impressive (and not so) alloy engine blocks in the past
>-Normal heavy guage Audi exhaust, not stainless... (Although my coupe's rear
>exhaust was REALLY HEAVY!)
haven't all Audi exhaust systems since the mid 80s been SS? the exhaust on
my '91 200q is SS.
* linus toy email: linust@interramp.com *
* seattle, wa USA wheels: '91 200q 20v :) '89 Accord SEi (hers) *
* *
* "...it's stuff that does things people want, but they don't know *
* how it works. But if they did look inside it would probably *
* have lots of wires." *
* --4 year old explaining 'technology' *