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Hydraulic system woes [update]
A few weeks back I posted a request for advice about a hyd leak that had
developed in the '88 5kCS. The leak is one that was variable ... some days
it would leak a few ounces some days none. I obtained a rebuilt pump from
PAP (they were on sale for ~$180 in a recent flier). I installed it the
night before last, and last night I found that the car lost a few ounces
of fluid. I'm thinking that the problem is in one of the high pressure
hoses, and the sheaths make it difficult to isolate which one. Since I
got the replacement hose to go to the steering rack in the mail yesterday
I am now convinced that it is the hose that goes to the brake system :)
I am thinking that the cause of the problem was the fact that I had to move
the pump around to be able to R/R the radiator. I guess that I will be a
little more careful if I have to do the same thing again. I did not immobi-
lize the pump with safety wire, and there were cases where the pump was
sliding down the side of the engine ...
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)