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Help! Brakes sqeaking!

      Hey y'all

          I have a 5000CS TQ and I had new brakes put on my car about a year ag
o.  I have the Repco MetalMaster brake pads and OEM rotors.  I replaced all fou
r brake pads and rotors, had the brake lines bled and new Castrol GT LMA brake
fluid put in.  THe brakes took a long time to brake in, but a neighbor of mine
told me that that is normal with the Repcos.  Since then they have been great.
They work and feel fine, and don't produce near as much brake dust as the stock

          But, over the last two weeks they have been squeaking a lot.  At firs
t just when I was starting out and they were cold....now they squeak loudly all
the time, and sometimes worse after I've been driving for a while.  These brake
s are only a year old!  What could the problem be?  Last time I had this proble
m in my old car, when I removed the pads I found they were cracked!  But those
were also junk Honda pads...and I put Metal Masters on the car after that and n
ever had a problem.  These pads should not do that!  In fact...that is one of t
he things Repco sells the pads on...they supposedly don't squeak!

          Can anyone enlighten me as to what the problem is?  I would really ap
preciate it.  I was thinking of having the local NTW (Tire chain) pull the brak
es off and look at the pads next time I'm home since I am getting the tires rot
ated and balanced again....but then again, I thought that might not be for anot
her two weeks or so, so I was wondering if y'all had any reccomendations.  I wi
ll be upset if I have to get new pads after only a year.  I know the pads are c
overed under warranty, but I will still have to get the rotors resurfaced and p
ay the labor for that.  I have had previously good experience with the Repco Me
tal Masters and I'm wondering what went wrong?  Any help appreciated.

