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Re: Shifty lube

At 06:04 AM 02.02.96 -0500, DH5481@aol.com wrote:

>Anyone know which year Audi shifted over to synthetic lube?

Sometime around '86 or '87--but remember that this car had its gear lube
changed at about 60k miles, so it's no longer factory fill, whatever it was.
* linus toy           email:  linust@interramp.com                   *
* seattle, wa  USA    wheels:  '91 200q 20v :) '89 Accord SEi (hers) *
*                                                                    *
* "...it's stuff that does things people want, but they don't know   *
*     how it works.  But if they did look inside it would probably   *
*     have lots of wires."                                           *
*                            --4 year old explaining 'technology'    *