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Re: Quattro Digest V3 #105


Have them (or better yet, you should check also) the CPI index.  Don't let
the insurance company fool you... they fully know what this is and use it
often.  If you can't find a copy, e-mail me (rking@earthlink.com) and I will
get my friend at the Volvo dealership to price it out for you.

Another source is to contact the Quattro Club USA.  One of their
representatives should be able to provide you with a current value for your
vehicle.  My club (Mustang SVO Owners Association) has a pricing guide for
Mustang SVOs and it compares favorably to the CPI guide.

>From: LEEJ07A@prodigy.com (MS LORI K SCHNEIDER)
>Date: Wed, 07 Feb 1996 01:04:45 EST
>Subject: Help with insurance compnay?
>Hi guys,
>I've been the proud owner of my '83 TQC for eight whole days now.  I 
>paid $8,500 for it and believe I got a fair deal for a clean, rare 
>car with 77K miles.  Unfortunately, my insurance company refuses to 
>value it at more than "halfway between wholesale and retail blue 
>book", ergo $6,525.  I honestly believe the car is worth what I paid 
>for it and would like to provide evidence of such to the insurance 
>company.  Is there any source of current market information such as, 
>number of these cars remaining, and recent sales prices to cast doubt 
>on the "blue book" value?
>While I fervently hope that I NEVER have to submit a claim for the 
>demise of my wonderful car, neither do I relish the thought of losing 
>big bucks if someone slams into me tomorrow!
>thanks for your help,
>Lori Schneider