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Re: Differential Locking - a Racing View of low traction conditions
On Wed, 7 Feb 1996 PDQSHIP@aol.com wrote:
> * The center Diff Lock, although makes for inherent understeer, is plenty
> controlable on ice and snow, and traction and control is miles ahead of open
> diff operation, ABS was not enough of an offsetting factor for control or
> braking.
True... BUT (Always a but, right?)
having the center diff locked on a really low HP car (Or should I say, in
the usable range of the engine..) like my 90Q 20V at an autocross, is a
real mess. This is NOT what you want to do. Im not saying the 90Q 20V is
low HP, but in an autoX you never get on cam, so...
With a high HP car like the TQC, the center diff makes for nice throttle
steering on dry at medium speeds. The 4K we TSD last weekend had the
center locked because we were on snow and ice, and again, low HP. It made
for great pendulum turns in the snow, and were able to keep up your CAS
So it depends on what you're doing!
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