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Re: Beaten by a Rally GTI

On Tue, 13 Feb 1996, Jeremy R King wrote:

> Where do you get these, Graydon?  I love your sense of humor.
> Jeremy
> '86 VW Quantum GL5
> Auburn University, Alabama, USA
> Hometown - Reidville, South Carolina, USA
> > > After I ('90 90Q20V) and a Geo Tracker (spectator car) cleared a
> > > 1 km course through 1-2 feet of snow, the heat was on.  I did
> > 					   ^^^^^^	
> > Did this melt the snow at all?  :-)

	I'm blushing red all over my keyboard, but really, I have a long 
way to go before I ascend to the level of Good Ole Unka Bart, and Bob, 
Bob, and Bob. You know I still am not sure what is even required to become a 
Bob!  Shows how green I really am!

Graydon D. Stuckey								
Flint, Michigan   USA
'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro, GDS Racing Stage II				
'85 Mazda RX7 GS 12A-leaning-towards-a-13B-soon