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Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 11:30:21 -0500 
Message-Id: <199602151630.LAA20012@pipe4.nyc.pipeline.com> 
To: a-powell1@tamu.edu 
Subject: Re: AudiOnly 
From: cngnyec@nyc.pipeline.com (Richard Davis) 
Cc: quttro@coimbra.ans.net 
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While I meant to be critical of the present situation, the service I did
from Peter @ AudiOnly was great while it lasted, indeed I passed him on to 

others.  Your line that you "got him in the office by coincidence" is sort
my point,  we don't have to "suspect" what is going on when people leave  
answering machine messages saying they are on vacation or otherwise  
incommunicado.  I personally like to support the independants when possible
I am one in a different field.  But I also feel bad when others I've
him to aren't enjoying my past experiences.  For the moment I feel kind of
a Baltimore resident after the Colts left in the middle of the night.  
Mike  (Waiting for Godot or Peter) 