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Get your Audi fiche here! (long)

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Date: 2/8/96 1:59PM
To: Tom Forhan at APPROPS
Subject: Audi Fiche (long)
     Now I've gone and done it...

     I have been trying to get a copy of the Audi microfiche parts catalog
     for my 200 TQW. These are the fiche the dealer uses, showing the blown
     up parts assemblies, identifing each part by number.

     When it rains, it pours! I found my fiche, but had to take a leap of
     faith and buy out the entire collection of a defunct dealer. I'd like
     to get rid of the extras.

     I'll sell any one sheet is $4.00, or three for $9.00, plus another
     $1.00 for shipping and handling regardless of the number of sheets.
     So, typically five bucks will get your car's parts catalog; ten bucks
     will take care of those requiring more than one sheet, or a little

     These are used sheets, but all look serviceable to me. If you don't
     like what you receive, return it and I'll refund the purchase price.

     Note that these are the infamous oversized fiche, and don't work in a
     regular reader. Some time ago, someone posted about finding something
     that would work at Radio Shack, and I have been trying to find the
     details in the archives, to no avail. Can anyone help?

     Incidently, I discussed this with Dan, and he has no objections
     to this posting.

     Anyway, here are the ground rules:

     (1)First come, first served.

     (2) Send email to tforhan@usa.pipeline.com listing the sheets you
     want; please use the full "line" (include the # of pages) for the
     sheets you want from the list below, to make certain that we are
     talking about the same sheet. I cannot answer any other questions
     about these parts catalog sheets, the list below has all information
     readable from the sheet without a fiche reader.

     (3) Please do not send email requests to tforhan@hr.house.gov, as the
     server is marginal, and will likely bounce, and I don't want to sort
     out this mess at work, anyway.

     (4) If will respond with my snail mail address. You send your address
     (on a mailing label, if you can) and a check, or cash if you dare, to
     me. If your choice is already taken, I'll send a message to that

     (5) I'll mail you the fiche.

Here are the fiche that I have:

Audi (1994) [year fiche was issued]
Title as listed on Fiche                       Number of pages
Coupe' Quattro Mod. 90>91 #1                     275 pp.
Coupe' Quattro Mod. 90>91 #2                     275 pp.
Cabriolet Mod. 94                                245 pp.
Audi 100 Quattro Mod. 89                         288 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Mod. 94                           302 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Quattro Mod. 93>94                395 pp.
Audi 90 Quattro Mod. 93                          288 pp.
Audi 90 Mod. 94                                  283 pp.

Audi (1993)
Dealer Parts Price List (6/1/93)                 686 pp.
Audi 5000 Turbo Mod. 80>83                       202 pp.
Audi 5000 Turbo Mod. 84>88                       315 pp.
Audi 4000S Mod. 85>87                            277 pp.
Audi 400S/CS Quattro Mod. 85>87                  181 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Mod. 89                           308 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Mod. 90>91                        326 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Quattro Mod. 92                   363 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Quattro Mod. 93 #1                378 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Quattro Mod. 93 #2                440 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Quattro Mod. 93 #4                355 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Mod.94                            292 pp.
Audi 100 Mod. 92 #1                              307 pp.
Audi 100 Mod. 92 #2                              293 pp.
Audi 100 Mod. 93 #1                              283 pp.
Audi 100 Mod. 93 #2                              284 pp.
Audi 100 Mod. 94                                 275 pp.
Audi 80/90 Mod. 88>89                            369 pp.
Audi 80/90 Mod. 90                               372 pp.
Audi 90 Mod. 93 #2                               288 pp.
Audi 90 Mod. 94                                  259 pp.
Audi 90 Quattro Mod. 93 #3                       290 pp.
Audi 90 Quattro Mod. 93 #4                       290 pp.
Audi V8 Mod. 90 #2                               388 pp.
Audi V8 Mod. 90 #3                               384 pp.
Audi Cabriolet Mod. 94 #4                        241 pp.

Audi (1992)
Dealer Price List (6/1/92)                       744 pp.
Dealer Price List (Rev) (6/1/92)                 753 pp.
Audi Fox Mod. 73>76                              215 pp.
Audi Fox Mod. 77>79                              206 pp.
Audi Fox 302, 307, 309 Mod. 87> #3               220 pp.
Audi Coupe' Mod. 81>87                           308 pp.
Audi Coupe' Quattro Mod. 90>91 #4                276 pp.
Audi 5000 Mod. 82>83                             238 pp.
Audi 5000 S/Wagon Mod. 84                        307 pp.
Audi 5000 S/Wagon Mod. 85>86                     346 pp.
Audi 5000 S/Wagon Mod. 87>88                     309 pp.
Audi 5000 Turbo Mod. 84>88 #2                    324 pp.
Audi 4000 Mod. 80>81                             264 pp.
Audi 200 Turbo Mod. 89>91 #2                     289 pp.
Audi 100 Mod. 93> #2                             281 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Mod. 89                           294 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Mod. 90>91 #2                     329 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Mod. 92>                          288 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Quattro Mod. 92> #3               386 pp.
Audi 100/Wagon Quattro Mod. 92> #4               388 pp.
Audi 90 Quattro Mod. 93> #1                      244 pp.
Audi 90 Quattro Mod. 93> #2                      250 pp.
Audi 90 Mod. 93> #3                              277 pp.
Audi 80/90 Mod. 88>89                            341 pp.
Audi 80/90 Mod. 90>92 #2                         371 pp.
Audi 80/90 Quattro Mod. 88>92                    347 pp.
Audi Quattro Mod. 82>87                          228 pp.

Audi (1991)
Audi 5000 Mod. 78>79                        212 pp. (Dup) Audi
5000/Wagon Mod. 80>81                       243 pp. (Dup) Audi
4000 Mod. 82>84                             337 pp. (Dup) Audi
4000 S Mod. 85>87                                284 pp.
Audi Coupe' Quattro Mod. 90>91 #3                280 pp.
Audi 200 Turbo/Wagon Quattro Mod. 89>91 #2       322 pp. (Dup)
Audi 100 Quattro Mod. 89>91 #2                   290 pp. (Dup)
Audi (1990) Audi 5000 S Quattro Mod. 87>88       257 pp. (Dup)
Audi 5000 Turbo/Wagon Quattro Mod. 86>88         333 pp. (Dup)

Audi (1989)
Audi Coupe' Mod. 81>87                           331 pp.
Audi 4000 S Quattro Mod. 84 #2                   171 pp. (Dup)
Audi 4000 S/CS Quattro Mod. 85>87 #2             224 pp.
Audi 5000 Turbo Mod. 83                          217 pp. (Dup)

Audi (1986)
Audi 100 Mod. 74                                 270 pp. (Dup)

Audi (1984)
Audi 100 Mod.  73                                152 pp  (Dup)
Audi (1979) Audi 90                              112 pp.

I hope this all is not too cumbersome, and that it can provide
as many listmembers as possible with the parts catalog for their

Tom F.
90 200 TQW IA Stage I