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RE: Tires for A4
I've only seen them with Eagle GA(gs) or the RS-As. The GAg is a
suckful, compromised tire for such a car (and for the VW VR6s, but
that's a different story) and while the RS-A felt much better, I still
managed to do something that felt like rolling over the side wall in
regular - well OK, a little spirited - city street driving. I was
considering the A4q (still am, but waiting for the 1.8T) and will
definitely swap the tires for something like Dunlop D40-M2s and get a
set of winter tires.
- peter, peterhe@microsoft.com, wa
| From: Dan Masi <dan_masi@MENTORG.COM>
| To: <quattro@coimbra.ANS.net>
| Subject: Tires for A4
| Date: Friday, February 16, 1996 1:20PM
| I've been told that new A4Qs are being shipped with one
| of two kinds of tires: either Goodyear Eagle RS-A, or
| Conti's (not sure of which model... anyone know?).
| I've got an A4Q on order, and my dealer told me that
| whichever tire my car is shipped with, he'd be happy to
| swap it with the other kind if that's what I want.
| I love choices.
| So, having no experience with either of these tires,
| can anyone offer some feedback? I checked archives and
| found very little on the RS-A's and since I don't know
| which Conti's, I'm stuck on that one. (are they 95H's??)
| Thanks,
| Dan Masi