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Re:Wastegate springs

Thanks for the suggestion, Peter.

At 04:29 PM 2/16/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I have been following this thread with interest. Changing the spring to get
>more boost is the accepted way of increasing the performance of the car and
>to ensure the fuel does not cut out, over riding the fuel pump cut out seems
>to be a workable bodge. 


>Just a thought
>Peter Wales

*  Robert L. Myers                        <rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu>  *
*  Chair, Department of Chemistry          304-442-3358 (office)   *
*  West Virginia Institute of Technology   304-574-2372 (home)     *
*  Montgomery, WV  25136                   304-442-3109 (secretary)*
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