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Re: Speed with Rain-X

On Mon, 19 Feb 1996, Psycho Bob wrote:

> Speed doesn't kill. Running into things -- at any speed -- kills. "Speed 
> kills" is actually coined by politicians. In fact, there is no study or 
> numbers (p<0.05) that faster you drive, the higher the probability that 
> you'll crash and kill someone . Yes, it's quite possible that your injury 
> will be more severe -- but that's totally different story than what 
> you're implying here (that's just law of physics).

CT did a study some years ago when the speed limit was higher here. There 
were something like 30% fewer accidents at 65 than there were at 55. 
Seems we havent heard much from that study in a while!  :-(

Its still 55 here.


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