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Audi Internship & CQ?

Hey y'all:
This is my first time on the list, so let see how it goes.

I would like to do an internship at Audi of America, can anyone help?  
I'm not even sure if they have an intership program, but if they do can 
anyone point me in the right direction?

Also I am the not-so-proud leasee of a 1995 Dodge Neon Sport.  This car 
has given me problems from day one.  I am going through arbitration with 
Chrysler.  Any suggestions on how to get them to buy it back?

One more thing:  I traded in my 86 cgt comm. ed.(164k miles) on the Neon, 
big mistake!  To the point:  I want a 1990 Coupe Quattro...  Those of you 
who own one, tell me about it.  Also if you know of one for sale, (I 
would like either Red, Black or Pearl w/ Black Leather)  PLEASE e-mail me.
It's time to get back into an Audi.!!!

Actually, one more thing.  Is there a Quattro Club, like Porsche or BMW 
and if so how do I join?

Thanks everyone!


 Bryan Bowen
 Elon College NC

 Soon to be a 90CQ owner!