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Re: Window switch re-building ?

At 09:48 PM 2/22/96 EST, you wrote:

The window switches on my wife's car will put the 
windows down really nice..... but they won't go back up....

If I wiggle and push it hard enough the window will
eventually go up.  My guess here is the contacts
on the switch are dirty.  

You're right they are dirty.  I never quite understand why people rebuild
these switches.  I find it annoying enough when I put a new one in that I
have little enthusiasm for going back and redoing it when my rebuilding job
fails again (usually in about 3 mos.)  I bite the bullet go to the archives
shop for a switch, buy it, and install it.  Finished business-for about 5
years when it fails again. And, when it does (and it will), repeat above
procedure <grin>
