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GT Charcoal filter

I just goofed didn't I?  Sorry for the blank post.  I'm just a lowly AOL user
\\8^ ) Let's see if I can get this right...
Forwarded message:
Subj:    GT Charcoal filter
Date:    96-02-27 20:04:59 EST
From:    Jesster436
To:      quattro@coimbra.ans.net

Can someone tell me how to properly connect the charcoal filter canister on
anm'86 Coupe GT? The original canister broke off in an accident and was never
replaced until now. I know that the larger hose connects to the bottom of the
charcoal filter valve-- but the other hose?  And the tiny hose from the top
of the valve goes where?  It's all screwy underhood and I can't find anything
in the Haynes manuals.  (Maybe its time to invest in a Bentley.) TIA.

Jesse Almero, Jr.
Torrance,  CA
1986 Coupe GT