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Re: Hydraulic Accumulator for 5kCSTQ

>>The time has come to replace the hydraulic accumulator on my 87 5kCSTQ.
>>Halsey Imports gave me a quote of $277 and change.  Has anybody recently
>>bought one of these things cheaper?  I  had remembed that they were less
>>than $200, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

>Is this the brake accumulator, aka 'the bomb' that gives hydraulic boost if
>the engine dies????
>I got mine for less than $277, I think. It was some time ago but give PAP a
>call. They advertise in European Car.
Yes, it's the "bomb."
List (dealer) price is $400+.  PAP quoted an even $300.  Halsey Imports was
The low quote was from Linda@Carlsen....$260.  Someone suggested the PEP Boys,
but Manny, Moe and Jack didn't put a store in Portland.

Linda is the winner on this one.

John D. Winkelman
Disclaimer:  I couldn't have been going that fast, officer!