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Re: Heel and Toe - It's the Shoes

At 05:41 PM 3/4/96 -0500, STEADIRIC@aol.com wrote:
>>Audis are designed for 
>>slim Italian-style shoes.  This makes me curious.  What kind of shoes 
>>do racers use?
>I use Simpson High Top Nomex Race shoes (I like red....)  If your on a 
>budget get some Asics Wrestling shoes Almost the same thing, Except, They 
>Eric Fletcher
If you're gonna do the wrestling shoe thing, at least get all leather
wrestling shoes, but then again, they're more than nomex driving shoes usually!

-JBLewis			R.D.Zande&Associates, Inc.
zande@coil.com		Surveyors, Engineers, Scientists
'91 DSP VW Golf		www.zande.com/zande