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Re: Have You Played This Game Today?

At 02:15 AM 03/06/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>Anybody out there hooked on Ridge Racer II?  It's probably fairly old - 
>>things are slow to come to Alabama.
>It's a Interesting game but it's to much of just that, A game.....  Try 
>to find Daytona, Sega Rally or Sega Indy car, Those are simulations......
>Eric Fletcher

Are we talking PC-based games? (Sorry, I just re-subscribed after a short

If so, definitely try Road & Track's "The Need for Speed" on CD-rom. It is
made by Electronic Arts, and it is AWESOME!! Seven different cars to choose
from (no Audis though, but there is the Diablo VT, with AWD, which is great
to drive!!), and they have gone to painstaking efforts to closely simulate
each vehicle's engine sounds and handling characteristics. This can clearly
be seen when you drive the Porsche 911, with the "loose" rear-end, vs. the
Diablo with AWD, and awesome traction.

There are several different tracks, and there is even one where you race
through city streets, and if you are not careful, a cop will pull you over
and give you a ticket!! On the second ticket, you get thrown in jail and the
game is over!! (Of course, if you get this far, it is 'cuz you ignored the
radar detector they have mounted on the visor!)

As well, the game can be set up to be played via modem, with others. Hmmm,
perhaps this group can set up a little tournament? Of course, we'd have to
"handicap" all the esteemed driving instructors.... :-)

For those race fans and drivers alike, this is one to get. A good way to

(I hope this has not been discussed recently; I had unsubscribed for a
little bit... and have been out of touch. Sorry if it has been...)

Enjoy the racing....


                      Jim Griffin
                  Quattro List Info:
                        '92 100S
          Titanium Grey/Black Leather
         A               U       D            I
         ccelerate   ntil    eath is   mminent

    "Perception is often stronger than reality!"