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Re: More Stereo Stuff!

At 02:02 PM 3/6/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Well I too have just completed upgrading my head unit (A Dennon 
>DCT-950R), And I've come across some strange things..... Well it IS an 
>Weirdness #1  The CD player section is pretty much noise free.....  The 
>Radio section has the dreaded Alt. Whine.  FM has more noise than AM..... 
> I'm going to change where I'm getting my power from. I'm getting it now 
>from the stock radio power wire and I'm going to change it to directly 
>off of the battery, just like the Amp.
>Weirdness #2 I was still getting NO AM....  I checked the resistance 
>between the Ant ground and the chassis ground and that's reading 0 ohms.  
>When I checked the Shield to ground (With the ant. connected) again I got 
>0 ohms (No ground loop) but no AM.  Now I live in St. Louis, MO and we 
>have KMOX radio a 50,000 watt clear channel station, and I can't get the 
>freaking hockey game!!  So I decide to do something unconventional (What? 
>Who Me??) and I decide to lift the sheild on the ant. lead at the ant.  I 
>wrap the outer terminals on the ant lead with electrical tape.  I then 
>reconnect the lead and PRESTO!  I've got AM radio!!  WooHoo!!  I change 
>down the dial to 890AM which is WLS in Chicago and I'm finding out about 
>a accident on the Kennedy Expressway!!  So if your having AM problem try 
>lifting the sheild.
>Eric Fletcher


Your antenna is shorted!  Lifting the shield removed the short but you got
other problems.  Also, lifting the sheild is a sure way to induce all sorts
of noise-alternator, ignition, etc into the system.  Check your antenna lead
and your antenna for shorts.  Replace the offending part.
