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Antenna research

After a great conversation with SteadiRic today, I tried some 
variations on the antennas in my 1990 200 and have to admit defeat 
with the stock Bose-version diversity antennas.

Using them one at a time with the replacement Sony stereo installed, 
the front antenna can't pick up SQUAT on AM.  Not even local 
stations.  The rear antenna can pick up moderately well on AM, but 
gets hideous interference with my favorite AM station - and it's 
being eenerated by a local FM station!  I have NEVER had this problem 
before - but the Audi had it with the stock Bose system, and it's 
even worse with a more sensitive radio, which the Sony is.

I even tried using them without connecting the outer shield of the 
antenna coax - which worked great for SteadiRic, but it just 
eliminates all reception for me.

THEN, I tried something which worked.  I keep a good ol' $15 Radio 
Shack cheapie fender mount antenna in the garage in case one of out 
others gets broken, etc.  I plugged this guy in and went for a drive.

Good AM reception, with NO interference.  None.  Not even in the 
worst spots for interference.  As long as I had any of the 
traditional antenna above the body metal (even inside the car) it 
worked.  FM seems as good as it was before.

So now the only question is: do I put a black or chrome Harada power 
antenna on the driver's side rear fender?  I checked and there's a 
beautiful spot just where the power antenna was on my previous Audi, 
an 84 5KT.  All I need to do is make the hole and run the 
wires....and you can bet that before I make the hole, I will be 
double-sure the motor clears everything.  I also need to find a REAL 
clean way to make that hole, as I don't want to have any screw-ups 
with pearl paint and a hole in the fender!  

Trivia question for tool-types:

I remember that in the Ag Engineering machine shop, they had some two-
piece dies to make holes through sheet metal.  You drilled a small 
hole for a bolt connecting the two pieces, which were round cup-
spaned dies.  The smaller fit inside the cavity of the other, and had 
cutting edges.  The basic technique was to drill a small hole 
through the metal for the bolt, connect the dies with the bolt, then 
tighten the bolt, and the smaller die but thru the sheet metal while 
being braced against the larger die on the opposite side of the 
metal.  No warping, no slipping.

ASCII art attempt:           __________
                             |        |   Large die
                             |        |   
                              |______|     Small die

Anyone know what those dies are called??????  Maybe I should call dad 
and see what's happenin'......cheers.
Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
College Station, TX  77843-2112
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/satellit/rpe/alpage.htm

"These are not my figures I'm quoting.  They're from someone who
knows what he's talking about."  
                        Anonymous US Congressman.