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Re: quattro-digest V1 #3

On Mon, 11 Mar 1996, Edward T Spire wrote:

> You're probably getting electro-magnetic interference that's triggering
> the laser circuit internally.  I've a Uniden unit whose laser ciruit is
> triggered every time I use my flip phone or turn on my Z's rear wiper,
> and I had it in a Maxima once and the ignition triggered the laser
> circuit continuously.

Thats interesting... One time I was at a stop light, and in my rear view 
mirror I see a Camaro IROT coming at me at a good clip. Bracing for 
impact, she finally notices me. She stands on the brakes, only to engage 
her ABS. When the ABS was on, my K band on my solo went full on. Might be 
the same type of scenario.


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       (____)      / _  / _ \/ _ \  / // / __ |/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ _ \
__    (_____)     /____/\___/_.__/ /____/_/ |_/_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/
  \____(___)   bob.damato@snetel.com   http://snetel.com/audi/audi.html
The Southern New England Telephone Co.	     |Phone: 203-771-7081
Information and Technology Center            |Fax:   203-773-3398
300 George St. New Haven CT  06510           |Pager: Dont count on it

                   Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro