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Re: Anti-Freeze Dumping

Michael asks;

>Just wondering, folks, what is everyone doing with used anti-freeze
these days?  I really need to flush the system in my 5KCSTQ and my GTI
but where should the old stuff go!!<

Some localities allow you to dump it down the drain (sanitary sewer,
NOT the storm drain).  Other places have collection days once in a
while for toxic stuff.  I dump my anti-freeze down the drain (I have a
septic tank).  It is mostly bio-degradable.  Call your town for
information or your state EPA, DEC, DEQ, or whatever.  The most
important thing is to dispose of it in such a way that it can not be
consumed by pets or be exposed to other animals.  If someone has more
up to date information I would appreciate it also.

Don Hoefer
'82 Coupe