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RE: aluminum subframe mounts 4000q
Which Coupe Quattro? I have a 1990, and am interested, but I think you mean
the earlier style. If not, let's talk...
Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro
>From: Todd Candey[SMTP:tcandey@usr.com]
>Sent: Friday, March 15, 1996 9:45 AM
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: aluminum subframe mounts 4000q
> After coresponing with Eric Fletcher, it seems that alum subframe
> mounts can be made up for the 4000/coupe quattros.
> However it will take 5 of us to get the quantity high enough to make
> it worth while.
> Anyother interested parties?????
> Hopefully yours,
> Todd.