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Motor and Trans. mounts cost?

I would like to replace the motor and transmission mounts in my '82 TQC and
have received prices from two sources.  Do I need to look any further?  I
have not hit the "list" yet.  How do these look?

Engine Mounts:

                                Sunset List Approx.     WW Autowerks   Qty.
With/out air                    $153.00/ea              $92.00/ea       (2)
With/air                        $148.00/ea              $92.00/ea       (2)

Trans Mounts:                    $64.00/ea              $32.00/ea       (2)

(This Price Quote doesn't include frgt.)

I know a few of you have done this, how much did you pay for parts?

Thanks in advance.


John Karasaki

The Karasaki's, proud owners of AUDI automobiles

1981 Coupe
1982 TQC
1984 5000S Wagon
1990 V8