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Tire Help

Thanks for all the advice so far.
I have moved the tires to the opposite side and had another 4 wheel 
alignment done.
I still have a pull to the left.  
Suggestions at the tire shop are leaning towards a "Radial Runout".
My problem with this is moving the tires to the other side I would have 
thought it should pull to the right.  I figure I should enter it in some 
sort of NASCAR event seeing most or all events go around the track 

p.s. If anyone  was looking for the section of sunroof headliner that I 
was looking for a month ago, stop looking.  A fellow list member has 
shipped the pieced to me from Calgary,Canada. 
Thanks again Steve
Michael Ryan			Cell:	(613) 541-8585
Ryan Computer Services		Fax:	(613) 634-3567
Kingston, Ontario		Email:	mryan@adan.kingston.net
Canada  K7M 6L9