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Re: Tach Questions again

On Tue, 19 Mar 1996, Steven Verona wrote:

> What I am really trying to do is install a tach and/or a series of LEDs 
> that will light at different rpm ranges.  I would put the LEDs in my 
> helmet so I could de them out of the corner of my eye.  Something 
> adjustable that would allow a light to come on when the rpm<4000, 
> another between 4 and 5k, another between 5 and 6k, and another over 
> 6k... something like that. This would allow me to keep my eyes on the 
> road and better judge my shift points.

Yep.. did this a while back on my old 4kq. Had an LED That turned orange 
at yellow line, and 250 before redline, it blinked red, then at redline, 
solid red. Had a remote jack with wire, so you can have an LED in your 
helmet as well by just plugging it in. Easy to make too.


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