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The recently-absent-from-view-but-never-absent-from-our-hearts "Barton
P. Chambers" said: [snip]
> Now it may not be exactly the first thing that the rider learns, but an
> immutable law of nature is that Scooter riders come in two flavors: those
> that *are* skidding down the road sans benefit of Scooter; and those who
> *will* be. (Another way of saying this, "Those who *are* healing...")
YKUB (Yer Kindly etc.) has a good point. As an ex-rider with a 6"
steel plate in my left leg (and who came less than two hours from
losing the thing before circulation returned...) I contemplated a
return to two-wheelers about a year ago. The next morning on my way
to work, I looked at (**WARNING: potentially sexist remark follows)
the co-eds doing their makeup on their way to class, while driving 50
in a 35 and crossing three lanes of traffic simultaneously, and soon
decided that I really WANTED some sheet metal wrapped around me when
I'm in traffic.
At this moment, a co-worker of mine (who is the only other person
I've ever met born on the exact same day as I) - is convalescing with a new
steel pin in his leg due to a moment's inattention on a Yamaha
Virago. He's expected back to work in two months, perhaps later.
Maybe those of Audi-sporting blood do have an affinity for the
gyroscopically-advantaged mode of transportation, but I'm inclined
the same way was YKUB. Sigh.
This is probably why I love to autocross! Lotsa fun, makes noise and
you drive hard, but no body contact with pavement!
Al Powell Voice: 409/845-2807
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107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Email: a-powell1@tamu.edu
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