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D&W Catalogs
A few months ago I offered to get D&W catalogs for those of you
interested. At least twenty of you indicated you'd like one.
Unfortunately, during my father's trip to Europe, he only got one copy.
Neither of us realized how large the catalogs are and he did not have that
much luggage space/weight available (the catalog is about one inch thick).
I'll ask him to pick up more on his next trip in June. He'll have more
room and now we know what he will be carrying.
If any of you are interested in something specific, I'd be glad to look it
up for you or mail you a photocopy of the page(s).
Items of interest:
The first sixty (60) pages are dedicated to the D&W girls,
scantily clad or topless women touting various hardware.
If you own a VW Golf (in addition to your Audi of course) or
similar faced new VW, the catalog has a light retrofit with lowbeam
ellipsoids and H1 based high beams. Sure to be a big improvement. The
lights also come with a black coating that does NOT decrease light output.
Happy motoring,
Eric Schumacher