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Preston's Stereo Problem


treilley_at_BANKMARK@conseco.com (treilley) said:

> Subject: Dogpile
>      It is amazing how fast you get trashed on this list for a typo.
>      Soo me! :)

Don't worry, Tim, we only flame the ones we love....  

Second - Preston Brown <pbrown@cygnus.sy.yale.edu> asked:

> I posted a few weeks ago about how the rear speakers (none of them) are 
> working on my 86 5000CST, and about how the antenna will not raise as 
> well.   

Sounds like broken wires somewhere! One possible clue here is that 
your antenna has a relay wire which triggers the antenna when the radio 
is turned on.  If you can ID and trace *that* wire, you may find the 

I believe that in your model, there are wires coming out 
of the hollow tube which  is the pivot for your left rear trunk 
hinge.  These wires often get broken.  Yeah, I know they have 
nothing to do with the speakers, but they do control lights for 
license plate and tail lights, so there's no telling where the Audi 
gods interconnected them.  (Maybe the doime lite??)  

At any rate, it will only take a few seconds to trace them 
carefully.  Mine were broken but the breaks were not complete and 
were hidden under tape, so look carefully.  If that's not the problem, 
whatththeck and you only wasted a few seconds.

[more snippage]

> I think there definitely might be a problem with some wire being cut 
> somewhere.  When I used my multimeter to test the front speaker circuits 
> at the harness in the dash, I could get it to do beep indicating a 
> complete circuit.  No beep for either of the circuits to the rear.  I 
> then pulled off the black Audi "Duo" sound switch box from the rear deck 
> and probed it a bit.  All the circuits on it are complete, and the 
> resistors on it are fine.  That's not the problem.

Preston - while I agree that you probably have a broken or 
disconnected wire, you mentioned a Crutchfield adapter in the section 
I snipped immediately above.  You also didn't say whether your 
original system was standard Audi or Bose - and there is a 
difference, I believe, in that the Bose speakers are amped at the 
speakers and require a screwy feed which is in between amplified and 
line level.

Crutchfield should have in hand (any day) a new adapter for the Bose 
systems  - their previous solution was not correct, and they told me 
so.  I have returned the Powermatch adapter they sent and am waiting 
for the new unit.

Unfortunately, the Bentley's wiring diagram is NOT correct for the 
Bose radio - and makes no effort to inform one about it.  It simply 
ignores that system.  

I do recall that in my 1990 200, the wiring diagram shows separate 
amps for the rear speakers...for the standard Audi radio.  If someone 
can helkp you find these, you might discover part of the solution.  
Heck, maybe the standard speakers have built-in amps, too....I dunno. 
They are shown as separate in the Bentley....but I don't know how 
similar your and mine would be.

In the email I have traded with other list members, no one seems 
clear on just WHERE those stupid Bose rear speakers get their feed.  
I'm hoping the new Crutchfield unit will help.

> There's another (strange?) problem.  The dome light DOES NOT come on when 
> any door is opened, when the switch is in ANY position. However, pushing 
> it all the way to ON does turn it on, so I know it is not burned out.  
> Ideas on this one?

This one you WILL be able to solve with the Bentley, I bet.

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
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