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Re: 90Q20V

 gfl@cc.bellcore.com (grant f lenahan) wrote:
$10k sounds like a fair price, including new struts, if the
car is in good condition, but where did you get the
$43k price (1989)?

In 1991, my 90Q20V, loaded, was just under $30k.  Its
a very similar car.  FWIW, I paid about $15k / 50k miles
in June of '94.
Just remember, Hans-Juergen is in Germany! 14% sales tax VAT  (I think - or
15%) at the time was included in the price.

Plus, German auto prices also tend to be higher than the US prices...

Dorab (nivi@aol.com)
1993 S4
1990 Coupe Q
1986 Chevy Caprice